December: A due date?



When the month of December arrives, you feel the weight of the whole past year. It is not only because of the fatigue that has been accumulating during the months worked, but also because of the pressure that for many it means to fulfill the goals in a closing period. At this of year companies make balance sheets and budgets, evaluate the results, make decisions and projections.

In addition, the arrival of the end of the year hurries you to finish with everything that had been planned and not finished, with half-hearted dreams and projects somewhat on track.

The problem in December is that different types of stress increase. You suffer from work-related stress, a syndrome known as burn-out. The common factor in all burn-out situations is the denial and absence of professional expectations for the worker.

In addition, social stress adds: the proliferation of parties and events. At the end of the year one arrives with a special emotion and, at the same time, with fatigue. It produces an acceleration of the calendar that leaves no room for anything. The end of the year in the southern hemisphere, is very resolute: everything has to close.

But in fact, the year-end has no due date. After the 31st, January 1st arrives and the projects continue, and we must continue with the same hastiness and the same eagerness as always. Neither projects, nor dreams come to fruition, one depends only on keeping them alive and completing them.

It is important to end the month of the jolts by giving the best of oneself. If all the goals or dreams have not been fulfilled, one should not grieve, but rather draw strength, confident that in the following month, January, it will be possible to continue with the proposals and projects.

The end of the year, is not the end of time, it is the mission of each of not putting a due date on it. Do not be hindered by it.